Pedregal’s Lava Garden

Pedregal’s Lava Garden gets its inspiration from the ground it sits on. The modernist suburban neighbourhood planned by the Mexican architect Luis Barragán in the mid-1940’s is located in the volcanic stone landscape. Today, most of the gardens have forgotten their relationship to the ancient ground, by removing the lava layer or covering it with new soil to enjoy large flat lawns. The garden project started with the wish to work with the dark and porous stone to walk in between lush vegetation and discover tiny paths or intimate platforms. By enriching the experience and giving new uses to the garden, observing and smelling the fruit trees, harvesting the aromatic herbs and medicinal shrubs, the garden’s limits can therefore disappear.

Location: Jardines del Pedregal, Mexico City

Year: 2020
Area: 300m2
Landscape architecture: Estudio Ome
Photography: Mariana Cárdenas